Launch Your Online Business in Just 7 Days

If you know anything about selling online then you surely must have heard of Jeff Walker.

He’s an online business guru who has helped his students gain more than $1 Billion in sales.

You might be wondering how a once stay-at-home dad in the 90s went from essentially $0 to an estimated net worth of $20 Million as of 2020?

Let’s jump right in and look at how Jeff has achieved such success!

1. Who is Jeff Walker?

Jeff Walker is the definition of a self-made millionaire.

He is a renowned New York Times best-selling author known for writing Launch and creating the Product Launch Formula.

Jeff had humble beginnings. He quit his corporate job to become a stay-at-home dad to his young children.

After being frustrated with being unemployed he started a newsletter speaking about the stock market.

This newsletter went out to only 19 people.

Let’s take a look at how Jeff created his empire by turning marketing on its side.

2. Making the Sale

If you're familiar with Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula, you might have heard about the Sideways Sales Letter or SSL.

The SSL is Jeff's baby and he incorporates it into each stage of selling his product.

Before we get too technical, let me show you his process step-by-step.

The SSL consists of three pieces of Pre-Launch content.

The Pre-Launch content can be video, email, or social media posts.

You can even use all of them at the same time. The only thing they have to do is follow the themes of each piece.

It is there to deliver valuable and useful content to his email list without giving too much away.

This gives them an idea of what they'll be getting if they decide to go ahead and buy.

It is so effective that even before your last piece of Pre-Launch content people will be asking to buy from you.

Pre-Launch content
  • PLC 1 Theme: Opportunity

● You define a problem and then solve it.

  • PLC 2 Theme: Transformation

● You deliver real value to your prospective buyers

  • PLC 3 Theme: Ownership

● You define the next problem. The solution you provide has the roots of the next problem built into it.

  • Open Cart:

● You open up for sales after delivering your Pre-Launch content.

Let’s take a look at how the Open Cart sequence works.

3. Open Cart

The open cart sequence starts the moment you make your offer (after delivering your great pieces of Pre-Launch content).

You start driving traffic to your sales page or video depending on how you decide to sell your product.

The key to a successful and effective Open Cart is to have a defined start and a defined end Cart Close but, we’ll get to that in a bit.

Jeff proposes that you run your Open Cart sequence for 5 - 7 days.

The hard deadline of having only a few days creates an element of authority and scarcity for your product.

It tells your prospective buyer that your product is limited because it is that good and if they don’t purchase it now, they will have lost out on something great.

He also suggests that you include how something bad will happen if they don’t act immediately and purchase.

Examples of this could be, the offer ends and they have to wait to see when you will offer it again, the offer changes(bonuses go away), and/or the price of your product goes up.

On the days he runs his Open Cart sequence he sends emails every day.

On day one he emails twice and on day five he emails three times. Let’s take an in-depth look at his email sequence.

email sequence

Day 1:

  • Two emails are sent
  • The first one is an announcement (the cart has opened!)
  • The second one is a tsunami:

● So as you might know, a tsunami is a series of ocean waves that send water thrashing everywhere.

● What it means for your open cart is that everything is going extremely well and orders are pouring in

● However, it’s important to remain truthful and not lie about your numbers to your people

Day 2 to 4

  • Jeff describes this as a mid-cart and it is up to you how many emails you want to send
  • During this phase, send 1 to 2 emails per day
  • Here are examples of what you can email :

● Case studies - these can be from your former students or buyers depending on the product you’re selling. These are very important as they give your product credibility

● All-access page (your Prelaunch Content) - you can direct your list to the entirety of your pre-launch content so that even if they don’t buy they have gained lots of value from you.

● A tour of your product

● New content that leads directly to your sale

● An update of what’s happening inside your member area

● Frequently asked questions - here it will be important to address any objections your prospectives may have to give them peace of mind

● A Livestream or a webinar

● A new bonus

● Then lastly on day 4, one of your emails should lean heavily on scarcity, reminding everyone that there is going to be a big change

Day 5:

  • On day five, the ideal email count is three
  • The first should be a “closing soon” email
  • The next one should be a story about the launch
  • The final email should be the last call to purchase

Then viola! The open cart sequence is finished.

You’ll find that most of your sales happen on day one and peak on the last day.

This is why it’s important to do the groundwork in your Pre-Launch content and your mid-cart.

With all these factors combined, it’s easy to see why Jeff is a millionaire.

But stay with me because I have more for you!

Just hold on!

4. Jeff Walker’s Hidden Launch Sequences

Launch Sequences

Up until now, I have only been focusing on the pre-launch content that goes before the Open Cart sequence and how Jeff runs his own.

Interestingly, there’s so much more that goes into launching and selling a product according to Jeff.

Let me show you what he means.

Before his Prelaunch, he has something called the Pre-Prelaunch and after the Open Cart, he has the Post Launch.

The Pre-Prelaunch:

A key element of the Pre-Launch is called “Shot Across The Bow”.

It is a naval term used when firing a warning shot to another ship to get its attention without attacking overtly.

In the context of launching, it lets the prospects know something is coming without telling them what it is or selling it to them.

The Shot Across The Bow is a call to action email that includes a short and simple survey.

It will prompt buyers to state what their number one product question is.

This strategy is a simple way to build buzz around your product whereas you haven’t even started creating it yet.

It also helps you build the best product you can because your prospectives have the opportunity to tell you their objections.

You are then able to address these objections in your SSL, your offer, and your bonuses.

This process of co-creation allows you to build a product that is truly wanted and not something you think they want.

This is what sets the Product Launch Formula apart from other marketing strategies.

The Post-Launch

So you’re done. You’ve made your sales, your launch was successful and you’re incredibly happy.

But, you’re not done yet because you have an email list split in two.

Those that bought and those that didn’t.

What do you do next?

You continue adding value.

For the people that bought, continuing to build a relationship with them is important.

Your post-launch sequence to them should reinforce that they made the right decision in making the purchase.

You can also help them to consume your product so they can get the success they wanted from buying your product.

Doing this will help you attain very happy customers and future customers.

For those that didn’t buy from you this time, it’s important to create content that will keep them engaged until your next launch.

Talk to them. Ask them what they need or want, and what they want to obtain.

By doing so you can create something better suited to them.

Then voilà! You have more customers for your next launch.

5. Conclusion

Jeff Walker is a one of a kind creator and leader and the work he puts into selling his products speaks to who he is as a person.

His success is 24 years of creativity and study.

He took marketing as we knew it and turned it on its side with his Sideways Sales Letter.

He created a new way of selling products, mainly always trying to add value wherever you can.

His Product Launch Formula has been around since 2005 and will probably be around for another 15 years or more.

Let’s see what he does with it next year!

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